Friday, February 20, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies Versus Movies

It’s that time of the year. That’s right kids, girl scout cookies have arrived! (Fu hooked me up). Sujit, Joanna and I were talking a few days ago, and we collectively all extolled the merits of fresh-baked cookies. Sujit in particular was fiercely adamant that he doesn’t really like any pre-packaged cookies, like Oreos or Chips Ahoy. I definitely agree with him that freshly baked cookies are ideal, but it just seemed like he was overstating things. Suddenly it came to me:

“Wait a minute, man – what about girl scout cookies?”
Sujit’s eyes quickly became the size of airplane hangars. “Oh my god, I forgot about those,” he said, almost incredulous that he could have forgotten that.
“Like, I still really love Thin Mints,” I continued.
Sujit was nearly salivating in front of our eyes. “Hey hey what’s that really delicious one, like in a ring, with the coconut and chocolate?”
“Ohhhhh man Samoas! Those are SOOOO GOOD!” Sujit went on to say that he would eat an entire box immediately. Then we all just kind of thought about girl scout cookies for a moment, and ultimately Sujit had to modify his original statement while bemoaning the fact that we didn’t have any to eat right now.

Three boxes of girl scout cookies now costs $10.50, which, incidentally, is roughly the price of most non-matinee movie showings. It’s an interesting thought exercise to see which movies I got more satisfaction out of seeing in theaters versus having three boxes of cookies. In all seriousness, I’ve probably seen fewer than 40 movies in theaters that would defeat three boxes of girl scout cookies. If I ever become a movie critic, that’s going to be my version of four stars. I can hear the voiceover in the commercials now – “Roger Ebert says, ‘Epic filmmaking of the finest caliber!’…The Los Angeles Times raves, ‘the year’s first sure-fire Oscar contender!’…Eric Ma says, ‘Provides greater utility to the consumer than three boxes of girl scout cookies!’”

That’s probably one reason girl scout cookies can’t be sold at movie theaters. If they did that, you would be constantly reminded of how bad a deal it is to watch movies in theater.

Girl scout cookies are delicious. I have the munchies. That is the end of this post.


Anonymous said...

girl scout cookies are delicious, but i can't afford them in this economy. no more upscale cookies for me.

Rob said...

You could do a cookie box based rating system. Instead of giving a movie 2 thumbs up, you can give it 1.5 cookie boxes.