Senseless Death
Obviously, I talk about TV a lot. That's because I 1) watch a lot of TV and 2) think a lot about what I have watched. So to be fair, I'm biased with what I'm about to say, but hear me out, because I think I'm being pretty reasonable.
I always think it's crazy when someone with the financial means tells me, "I don't have cable" or even crazier, "I don't have a TV, I don't really watch TV." That's just crazy - and I say that not because you're not conforming to me - I would never ask people to do that. I say it because by not watching TV, you expose yourself to a shocking amount of risk. Life can get very boring without a TV. There's so much good stuff on it! And people talk about TV a lot. So you're likely to be very bored all the time, when people around you are talking about TV. So not only are you bored on your own, you're bored around friends. And what happens when you're bored? You smoke pot. And we've all heard that marijuana is a gateway drug that can easily lead to the use of harder, riskier drugs. So before you know it, you're using cocaine. And LSD. And PCP. Suddenly one day you overdose on heroin and die. All from not having a TV. I mean, you're going to DIE. It's amazing how some people don't take this very seriously.Hopefully, if you are a non-TV owner, you take the time to read my thoughts. I assume afterwards, we can all agree that I am correct.
The few people I know that don't own a TV do not own a computer either. They would have no way of receiving your warning and they're probably already to high to comprehend what you're saying.
I've noticed that I'm a lot less productive now that I have cable TV. When I just had the TV antenna, I was forced to find other hobbies. It's hard to scrap out a life on just CBS, Fox, ABC, and NBC with no audio.
Interesting point - my advice may not be reaching anyone, which would be sad. Maybe I can print out the text and send it in the mail. NBC with no audio? It's okay - you don't need audio for fear factor.
well thank god i have a computer... or else i'd never know your thoughts. you know, it might not be so bad to hang around people who are more well-rounded and have other things than tv programming to talk about - and of course, you do, and that's why i'm friends with you.
other things than tv programming to talk about? wait what?
i'm not buying a tv so that i can stop ragging on your for the amount of tv you watch.
fyi, i love movies.
is the reason you didn't send this post to me because i'm not really into tv?
no, if anything, that would make me more likely to send to you - i must have just forgotten - i'm thinking of developing a mass email list
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