Monday, April 23, 2007

Thoughts Before I Resume Trivialities

I've been kind of in a daze since the Virginia Tech shootings - I still remember Columbine vividly, and I was a little dazed then too. It's weird, violence happens everywhere literally all the time, but something about a school shooting touches an especially sensitive nerve for everyone, myself included. There's a strong desire to understand causes and come up with solutions that I don't always see in other walks of life. I was sure this would bring up the standard discussions of gun control, and video games, and the appeal of being notorious, and it did. It gets tiring to hear all the same old rhetoric in the wake of such a tragic event, but a part of me is glad that we're still, in some form, primitive or not, trying to stop such events, rather than just throwing up our hands and accepting it as a part of life. I'd rather not argue about gun control or video games, because those arguments never go anywhere, but more often than not, I think the people who get all riled up about that mean only the best.

In any case, my deepest sympathies go out to everyone affected by the shootings.

Trivial blog posts will resume very shortly, just a matter of putting pen to paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hated the way race was treated by the korean community: first by its knee-jerk reaction in expressing concerns that the tragedy would not incite retaliatory racial violence; second, by offering profuse apologies for the tragedy being caused by one of their own; and third, by not giving greater efforts in acknowledging that race may have contributed by accentuating the feelings of foreigness that led to mockery and isolation which made a combustible mix with mental illness.