Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Imperfect Strangers

Mentioning Halle Berry in the previous post got me thinking about her new movie, "Perfect Stranger", which then got me to thinking about strangers, which naturally transitioned into thinking about all the things I don't like about strangers. There's things I don't like, such as seeing someone who looks hot but then they turn around and have a terrible face, but I'm not trying to harp on things people can't control. Although, if you had a little more financial discipline you could save enough money to get some plastic surgery, uglyface. I digress.

People Who Shake Your Hand Way Too Hard
This one was courtesy of Rich, who puts it perfectly: "What are you trying to prove?" Seriously. The fact that you can crush my hand is proof of nothing other than that you're a douchebag. I don't find you any more intimidating just because you decided to make an otherwise forgettable moment awkward. Or, as Rich puts it, again perfectly, "I can still sleep with your wife."

People Who Stand Still On Airport Motorized Walkways
I'm not the first person to complain about this - I think Jerry Seinfeld has a bit about it where he says "you know, it's not a ride." Absolutely agreed - if you're not physically handicapped, you should be walking on the WALKway. If you're totally fine physically but are really that lazy, maybe you should pretend to have suffered a serious injury and get driven through the airport on the airport car/golfcart thing. But don't just block everyone's way standing there. People have flights to catch.

People Who Block Your Way After You Already Made Room For Them
Does this ever happen to you? You're walking one way, and someone else is walking towards you from the opposite end. You seem to be on the same path, so you step one step to the left or right so that the two of you won't bump into each other. But then, that person, well after you've shifted, shifts the SAME way. Sometimes it's as though the universe is telling me not to be polite to strangers, because they're probably idiots anyways.

People Who Visibly Look Like They Smell Bad
Rich said he holds his breath when a stranger like that passes him. I think I subconsciously cringe, raising my shoulders up ever so slightly while scrunching my face and leaning slightly away from the side this person is approaching from. Smelling bad is one thing, but it really only takes an absolute minimum of effort towards hygiene to LOOK like you don't smell bad. If you're not homeless, there's no excuse.

People Who Talk Too Loudly On Cellphone Headsets
First of all, people who talk too loudly on their cellphones are already annoying, but I've long since given up on that and instead fought back/worsened the problem more by also talking loudly on my cellphone. But the people with the Bluetooth headpieces need to calm the fuck down. You can't walk by me, appearing to not be on the phone, and then yell "Hey!" right in my face. That's just really confusing. I can't see that you have a earpiece on the other side of your head, I just think you're trying to talk to me. So cool it with that. Plus a lot of people walking around think you're some insane person talking to yourself, so it's for your own benefit to quiet down a little bit.


Anonymous said...

that last paragraph made me laugh. keep up the good work.

Julius said...

Fat people on they come down the aisle cross your fingers, hold your breath, and PRAY they don't stop in front of where you're sitting. Repeat for the hot girl...except pray for the opposite

Eric Ma said...

You know, I've never had a hot girl sit next to me on an airplane. I wonder if they change seats after they see me.

madphoenix50 said...

How about the guy that you have to wave in before he'll change lanes. Actually, I think that'll just open up a huge can of worms. You could write a whole book on bad drivers.

Juka said...

I hate the guy who will get into the elevator on floor 21, and hit floor 22. I mean if you're carrying stuff, that's fine...but if you're healthy, just walk the damn flight of stairs and let me get to 28 in peace.

Eric Ma said...

Oh, couldn't agree with that one more. I work on the 37th floor, and these lazy people are maddening. Many of them are fat too. I bet they never wonder how they got that way.

Anonymous said...

i am one of those people who stand on the airport motorize walkway and i sit on my luggage while i'm waiting.

Anonymous said...

hey now, don't blame me if my time is more valuable than yours. if you ever bill $500/hour, you'll be taking the elevator too.

Anonymous said...

thank you for using that SWEET picture of KEANU drinking tea out of a porcelain cup on the street.

Eric Ma said...

All thanks to you Sara, all thanks to you