In honor of this blog's 50th post, this entry will be devoted to the reader comments - they're the best part of having a blog, and normally the comments are more entertaining than what I've written to begin with.
An anonymous commenter called Vishal a "cranky, cantankerous curmudgeon" a few posts ago - I've taken a random sampling of his comments, so that you can judge yourself.
On Vince Young:
vishal said...
vince young is trash. always has been and always will be.
On the older brother from "Step by Step":
vishal said...
if you read the message boards listed under brandon call's imdb page, it lists that he now works at a gas station that his parents own in vista, ca.
After someone said they were my "biggest fan":
vishal said...
that was you who posted as your anonymous "biggest fan" wasnt it?
After someone called me a "biatch":
vishal said...
Way before this blog, I used to really only write about sports. In an effort to diversify, I've restrained myself from too many sports-related posts. Not a universally acclaimed decision.
Anonymous said...
you sound like the sports GAL
write about SPORTS
Anonymous said...
I want an article about sports.
I've also restrained myself from making a lot of lists where I just rank arbitrary things that have no business being ranked or can't be compared on an objective basis. This choice has proved very frustrating for someone out there.
Anonymous said...
where are the entries? if you're out of ideas, rank some stuff. everybody loves lists.
Anonymous said...
you should rate other things
Anonymous said...
is this a ranking?
One of my personal favorites came from a fictional character from "Finding Forrester" after I noticed I used the word "actually" excessively in my writing...
William Forrester said...
No thinking - that comes later. You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is... to write, not to think!
madphoenix said...
Catherine stands up to anonymous people on the Internet. Well done, Catherine.
Anonymous said...
i just checked out your "complete profile," and let me tell you that it's lamer than FDR's legs
Catherine said...
you're lame too, anonymous! :P
Hey Vishal likes something!
vishal said...
i suggest you watch dance off, pants off on fuse. quite possibly one of the most entertaining concepts for a tv show ive seen in years. AND its hosted by stephanie tanner from full house.
Steve said...
pants off dance off is a terrible show...i don't think there's a screening process for the dancers.
Memorable undercuttings of the entire premise of a post
On whether I would shake Howie Mandel's hand:
Anonymous said...
howie mandel wouldn't touch your hands anyway. he's a germophobe.
On my plea for people who don't have a TV to buy one:
Winston said...
The few people I know that don't own a TV do not own a computer either. They would have no way of receiving your warning and they're probably already to high to comprehend what you're saying.
Gotta admire Ali's persistence in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary:
Ali said...
fuck looks like I better defend myself here. Ok Minnie Driver, still hot but where has she gone?
Sara apparently doesn't like Savage Garden, despite their popularity in the late 1990s:
Sara said...
yo, i did this, and it sucks. i got savage garden twice.
Steve reveals an interesting bit of information he learned:
Steve said...
Did you know that valentine's day cards don't go 50% off the day after valentines day? they just stop selling them...
We'll end with whoever compared renting dogs to prostitution...
Anonymous said...
Is it just me or does this whole concept remind anyone else of prostitution? Two quotes in particular:
"And if you like a certain dog, you can try to keep renting the same dog..."
"I bet some lonely folks would get incredibly attached to their rental dog instantly, and be willing to pay through the roof to have the dog forever."
"Dog" -- Sure...Stop pretending to speculate, Eric. You know it's a profitable business.
i dont even know what "cranky, cantankerous curmudgeon" means.. haha..i feel bad that the one thing im associated with liking is that show on fuse. i mean the concept is great and so is the fact that its hosted by jodie sweetin, but steve is correct, the screening is pretty weak. but i guess this also proves the point that i hate everything
Vince Young is the future...
of my dynasty league. He better be good for a while. I took him over Jay Cutler because my only scouting report was the championship game.
ali's got backup on marion jones
Hmm, couldn't get that link
i can't get it to post the full link, maybe you can search for it
it was sports illustrated swimsuit models ranking the top 20 hottest athletes
marion jones was 14th. and she received a perfect 10 from one of the judges. yes, you read that right. excuse me while i go throw up.
this post obviously blows because you omitted me from the entire post. LAME.
shameless promotion. volunteer for the american cancer society's relay for life on saturday, june 9th, 2007! it will be held in NYC chinatown.
eric's volunteered to become a team captain so be sure to join his team. of course he'd volunteer, otherwise he'd be a cold heartless bastard.
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