Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sea Kittens!

Navid alerted me to PETA’s latest campaign, which is so ridiculous that I don’t even think I need to make any jokes. I think I just need to state it. Here goes:

PETA has launched a campaign aimed at getting people to stop fishing and eating fish. This is the premise – people don’t eat dogs and cats because they are considered cute and friendly. People don’t think fish are cute and friendly. The reason, for the most part, is the name “fish”, which does not connote any warm and fuzzy feelings. So the way to fix this “problem”? Change the word “fish” to “sea kittens”, and develop an extensive “sea kitten” marketing campaign with graphics of anthropomorphic “sea kittens” doing things like reading books. Once you have effectively removed the word “fish” from the national vocabulary and replaced it with “sea kitten”, people will stop eating “sea kittens” and causing “sea kittens” to feel pain.

The campaign is so ridiculous, when I sent the link around, some people asked me if it was a joke website meant to mock PETA. Seriously, people need to eat more fish, not less, and if certain practices help bring fish at a lower cost to the obese masses, I am all for it.

Making fun of PETA is, to paraphrase Chris Rock, “Like calling double dribble on a retarded kid. You just gotta let some shit slide.” But I can’t completely resist, so I’ll end with this one, from Navid.

"I'll have the sea kitten. Grilled."


vishal said...

you know... your last three posts have all been relating to putting down marketing campaigns. sea kittens, nissan, a clever way to disguise a "C" rating.. is the sole purpose of your blog's comeback to put down my profession?

well. in that case.. i dont like numbers! so ha! take that!

Anonymous said...

fat and stupid people need to eat more fish.

Eric Ma said...

If you read the "sea kitten" stories, you'll note the illustrated chapter where the boy eats a mercury-laden sea kitten, and immediately becomes stupid, dropping to the bottom of his class.

A common occurrence, I am sure.

Unknown said...

As far as I'm concerned, that webpage provides a great argument for why we kill fish. They disguise themselves as various cat species and try to fool our children. Fish are deceitful--I know it, you know it, and PETA know it. Grill them all.

Anonymous said...

you have a factual error in your post, some people do eat dog...