Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ashton Kutcher Is Frightened

It's okay, Ashton. Everything is going to be okay.


Julius said...

Haha, I feel like his thought process was: "Wow, I'm about to get posterized...I guess I should flex."

Eric Ma said...

Ashton does have impressive guns, Rich was saying the same thing.

Eric Ma said...

So to clarify, for all the people who have been confused - the guy in the picture is Kyle Korver, an NBA basketball player who happens to be a dead ringer for Ashton Kutcher.

But fear not, people, Ashton Kutcher himself has not transitioned to the NBA - he is still making horrible movies.

Anonymous said...

butterfly effect was good tho

Eric Ma said...

I'm convinced that Butterfly Effect actually stars Kyle Korver.