Friday, February 22, 2008

Absolutely Hilarious

You may have already seen this, but if not, I need to share. It’s pretty much the greatest blog I’ve ever seen – it’s called “Stuff White People Like”, a blog “devoted to stuff that white people like.” It’s so good, I’m pretty bummed I didn’t think of this concept myself. Here’s three excerpts (there's currently 73 entries of "Stuff White People Like" – but you should definitely go read the whole thing.

Expensive Sandwiches

If you are in the position where you need to take a white person to lunch for business or pleasure, saying “I know a great sandwich shop,” will always bring out a smile. The white person will then tell you about the great sandwich shop in the town where they went to college and how they had a crush on a waiter, or that there was some special sandwich that they always ordered. This will put the person in a good mood.

These sandwiches generally start at $8.99. Remember that whenever a white person says they wants to go to a sandwich shop you are looking at at least a $15 outlay after tip and drink, $20 if the place has a good selection of microbrews.

Also note: white people will wait up to 40 minutes for a good sandwich.


While white people certainly love “the cinema,” they are required to balance their interest in film with an interest in live theater, most notably plays. In spite of plays having minimal sets, no special effects, an intermission, and a higher admission price, white people believe that live theater is essential to any cultured city. It is not known if white people actually enjoy plays or if they are just victims of massive peer pressure from the 45% of white people who have acted in a play at some point in their life.

80s Night

If you ever find yourself wanting to take your relationship with white people to the next level, one of the best places to meet a potential partner is at any 80s night event in your local city.
White people cannot get enough of 80s music, partially out of nostalgia, and partially since it was the last time that pop music wasn’t infused with hip-hop or R&B stylings. Artists like Joy Division, New Order and Elvis Costello were all pretty well respected and had solid runs at the charts. Also, less respected artists like Wham, Rick Astley and Cameo are still easy for white people to dance to.

If you are in a social situation and wish to turn into one more conducive for romance, you should always ask “does anyone know a club with a good 80s night?” at which point the entire group of white people are likely to invite you to an event.


Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

where do you find these blogs?!

Eric Ma said...

I am well connected within the blogosphere.

Haha, a lot of people sent me the link, thinking it would be something I'd like.

They were correct.